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How did Google select Sundar Pichai as its future? Ahmed Chhadeh speaking

Sundar Pichai, who lives in an anarchic part of India, did not know that his ability to memorize numbers would be the key to transforming his life from living with his brother in a room without the necessities of life to being able to buy a room for every Indian with his wealth that exceeded 650 million dollars.

Lebanese producer and social media expert Ahmed Chhadeh spoke about the story of Google’s selection of its employee:
In the beginning, the story has two sides. The first is the administrative method of the company and the founders’ keenness on having a flexible management, and the second aspect is the way Google selects its employee “Sander Bestai”, which I will go into answering now.
The story of Sundar Pichai began in his original homeland in India in a small house and a family facing difficulties in securing their daily needs, and despite his ability to excel in school, what caught his attention was his great ability to memorize home phone numbers so that his relatives were calling him to ask him about a number they had requested once in front of him. Pichai arrived in the United States of America in 1993, and after about ten years, he was able to get a consulting job at McKinsey & Company, before Google employees felt his superior ability to deal with electronic hypotheses and ease of memorizing them very quickly. At that time the company was still in its infancy and perhaps Pichai wasn’t going to move to it. But after McKinsey tried to keep him in the company by offering him a lot of favors not to move to Google, he realized that Google was not like any other company and indeed he had a job interview on April 1, 2004, the day the email/gmail service was launched.
Chhadeh explained the reason for Pichai’s success:
The great success is due to the company’s founders attaching importance to the future of their company and not to waste a talent like Pichai on the one hand, and on the other hand, Pichai’s ability to activate the company’s work in an easy way was the basis for his obtaining the executive management of Google today, since he started working on making the company’s products more user-friendly and closer. What people love about Google’s toolbar arrangement in old browsers is Internet Explorer and Firefox Pichai made Google the easiest site to search on the Internet, prompting him later to suggest the company develop its own browser Google Chrome, which made Google’s empire extend to control almost everything you find on the World Wide Web. Without it, the company today might not have exceeded an archived site on the Internet, as is the case with any search engine before Google.
Today Pichai is the company’s CEO, nearly 30 years after he discovered what he saw as a simple ability to “memorize home phone numbers quickly” that transformed the history of the network as “before Google is not the same as after it”.

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